Monday, 30 March 2015

Old city of Semarang

the old city of Semarang began the first time in the 18th century when the Dutch East Indies era. Similar to the old town-old city in many major cities throughout Java such as Surakarta, Yogyakarta and Jakarta. Semarang also has the old city where when it was a center of economy and culture of Central Java is the center of the Dutch East Indies government in Central Java. In his turn first few ethnic come together in the old town area of ​​Semarang. Northern part of the cut by the time there Mberok Malay kampung area with relics of Moslem Mosque Layur (Mosque Tower), while on the west side there is a region of Javanese Islam with mosque built Kauman Semarang. Moderate south side, there are descendants of Chinese settlements were gathered together to form Semarang's Chinatown neighborhood. Being part of the Old City are a great architectural buildings, the people named by the church Blenduk.
Semarang area of ​​the old town is like a ghost town if there are a few points such as business and Polder Air Station Tawang, Praoe Cigarette Factory Display, Bank, Insurance and grilled fish Sraya Cianjur. Several analyzes were ever told, there are several reasons why the old city of Semarang who became the city's business peak in left and moved to another area in the city of Semarang as Simpang Lima until Peterongan for several reasons as follows. One, because the area of ​​the old city as it is very exclusive, especially on the cost of the lease, so many business people who leave and move to another place. Two, because the area of ​​the old city of Semarang little by little have started buried so below the sea water which makes the river water can not be washed into the sea but return to town (rob) so that the area of ​​the old city becomes easily flooded.
With all the advantages and disadvantages of the Old Town turns the old town has a long history of all stories. However, for it has not been able to unravel in graffiti today. Well, to reach the Old Town area of ​​Semarang not be confused because this place is easily found from any direction. Because it is located in the center of Semarang. If Adventurers starting from Demak (city) please Terboyo toward Terminal - Jalan Raden Patah - Old City, the time that it takes about 1 hour. If the direction Ungaran please adventurer goes to Banyumanik - Peterongan - Jalan MT Haryono - Roundabout Mbubakan - The Way of Paradise - Old City of Semarang. Reached in about 50 minutes.
For the adventurer who was on the west path, then go Mangkang - Roundabout Kali Bull (enter town) - Roundabout Tugu Muda and Lawang Sewu - Road Youth - Pasar Johar (turn left go ahead because of the way) - Old City of Semarang. Enough with about 45 minutes can reach the old town area of ​​Semarang with comfortable. Because the path to the old town is located in the city center, adventurers will find many city traffic stop point. Just be patient because the Old City of Semarang not go anywhere.
The point that must to visit is the area of ​​Tawang Station and Water Polder Tawang. Tawang station located at Jalan Taman Tawang, built by NIS (Nederlandsche Indische Spoorweg Maatscharij), which was inaugurated by the Governor General of the Dutch East Indies named Baron Sloet Van De Beele. The station replaces the previous station was built on June 16, 1864 until February 10, 1870 that serves the Semarang - Yogyakarta - Solo. The architect of this building is JP De Bordes. The building was completed in May 1914. This building has architectural style Indies accordance with the conditions of the tropics. Water Polder Tawang being built to be the center of the water discharge and the surrounding region is introduced into the ocean to reduce the ROB. Polder Tawang is already several times had improved because the condition is uncomfortable and smelly. But this time, Polder Tawang Water is good and menggagumkan to visit.
Around the Polder area are cigarette factory Praoe Lajar (Prau screen) that has long operated until now. Cigarette factory dibanguan Dutch East Indies era occupies an old building in the Old Town area Peacock Road. Cigarette factory is still in service today. It could be partly Adventurers have never seen cigarette form, because they stiff competition in the world of marketing is not as much tobacco that other tobacco companies.
Next to the central area of ​​the Old Town is located at the intersection of the intersection of Jalan Glatik, Garuda Roads and Street Gen. Soeprapto. This intersection is suitable to take pictures and perpetuated about the old town. Conditions are clean and safe crowded so freely to relax and do other activities other. There is a garden and seating around the intersection, just walk a few meters. Some lights illuminate every corner of the street, seems more beautiful and enjoyable. Some culinary available as sego cats (cooked rice), fried rice and grilled fish Cianjur and some other menus.
Adventurers can continue berjalanan to the west about 10 meters, it will find ancient buildings are still in use to this day the church Blenduk. These buildings also one icon Semarang Central Java in addition to the Grand Mosque, the Tugu Muda and Lawang Sewu. The building is over 200 years old and still standing. Society named with the word Blenduk because the top (tower) and a large hemispherical dome, the Java call Mblenduk (expands upwards). This building was founded in 1753, is used for Nederlandsche Indische Kerk church. The building has undergone several renovations until looks like today. The designer was De Wilder and W. Westamas.
If in a straight line pull of intersection Glatik pass Blenduk west to Kali Mberok (Pasar Johar) it will be found the beauty of the other side of the old city of Semarang. Because this road is one point that area really well maintained compared to the other way around the Old City of Semarang. Adventurers can continue towards the bridge Mberok time. The bridge was built around the year 1705. Mberok the actual pronunciation of the Dutch tongue is Burg (bridge), because most people are hard to melafaskan Java in the Dutch language.
Some places that are visited at close to the Old Town is the Old Mosque Semarang (Adventure Later) as Mosque tower located in the village Layur Kauman wither and the Great Mosque, located in Jalan Square Semarang Tempo first. Do not forget to shop for batik or other purposes in Pasar Johar. Do not be shy to bargain for the price, with little money Adventurers can get a pretty decent stuff.

Borobudur Tample

The magnificent Borobudur temple is the world’s biggest Buddhist monument, an ancient site widely considered to be one of the world’s seven wonders. Built in the 9th century during the reign of the Syailendra dynasty, the temple’s design in Gupta architecture reflects India's influence on the region, yet there are enough indigenous scenes and elements incorporated to make Borobudur uniquely Indonesian. This awe inspiring monument is truly a marvel. After a visit here you will understand why it is Indonesia’s most visited tourist attraction and a famous icon of Indonesia’s cultural heritage.

Located on the island of Java, the temple sits majestically on a hilltop overlooking lush green fields and distant hills. It covers an enormous area, measuring 123 x 123 meters. The monument is a marvel of design, decorated with 2,672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues. The architecture and stonework of this temple has no equal. And it was built without using any kind of cement or mortar! The structure is like a set of massive interlocking Lego blocks held together without any glue.

The temple has remained strong even through ten centuries of neglect. It was rediscovered in 1815, buried under volcanic ash. In the 1970’s the Indonesian Government and UNESCO worked together to restore Borobudur to its former majesty The restoration took eight years to complete and today Borobudur is one of Indonesia and the world’s most valuable treasures.

The temple is decorated with stone carvings in bas-relief representing images from the life of Buddha. Commentators claim that this is the largest and most complete ensemble of Buddhist reliefs in the world, unsurpassed in artistic merit.

This monument is both a shrine to the Lord Buddha and a place for Buddhist pilgrimage. The ten levels of the temple symbolize the three divisions of the religion’s cosmic system. As visitors begin their journey at the base of the temple, they make their way to the top of the monument through the three levels of Budhist cosmology, Kamadhatu (the world of desire), Rupadhatu (the world of forms) and Arupadhatu (the world of formlessness). As visitors walk to the top the monument guides the pilgrims past 1,460 narrative relief panels on the wall and the balustrades.

The whole monument itself resembles a giant stupa, but seen from above it forms a mandala. The great stupa at the top of the temple sits 40 meters above the ground. This main dome is surrounded by 72 Buddha statues seated inside perforated stupa.

Historians suggest that the name of Borobudur comes from the Sanskrit ‘Vihara Buddha Uhr’ or the ‘Buddhist monastery on the hill’.

Saturday, 28 March 2015

Perampokan dan Pembunuhan Janda di Gondomono

SEMARANG – Kasus perampokan yang menewas nenek Suyati, warga Jalan Kampung Gondomono RT 5 RW 3, Semarang Utara, Kamis (26/3) lalu, memang mengejutkan sejumlah pihak. Terlebih lagi, cara pelaku membunuh nenek berusia 59 itu terbilang sangat sadis dan tak beradab.
Berikut kronologi insiden perampokan yang menewaskan nenek Suyati yang dihimpun
  1. Rabu (25/3) malam sekitar pukul 19.00 para pelaku termasuk otak perampokan Aris berkumpul di dekat rumah korban untuk meminum minuman keras.
  1. Saat sedang asyik minum-minum pelaku Aris meminta ketiga pelaku lain, Aji, Reza dan Nur Alam untuk berkumpul kembali sekitar pukul 23.00 dengan alasan akan diajak mencari uang.
  1. Sekitar pukul 23.30 para pelaku berkumpul. Aris mengajak ketiga pelaku untuk mencuri di rumah korban Suyati. Ketiganya sempat menolak, namun Aris memaksa. Pelaku Aji sempat diancam akan dibunuh oleh Aris jika tidak ikut. Sebelumnya Aris juga mencuri satu unit motor di jalan Hasanudin.
  1. Sekitar pukul 00.30, dalam keadaan mabuk, keempatnya masuk ke rumah korban dengan mencongkel jendela kamar korban. Pelaku aris membawa gunting untuk mencongkel dan membawa sebotol bensin. Saat itu nenek Suyati sedang tertidur pulas.
  1. Di dalam kamar, nenek Suyati terbangun. Para pelaku panik dan langsung memegang kaki dan tangan korban. Pelaku Aris membekap korban hingga tewas.
  1. Karena takut, tiga pelaku keluar dari rumah, Sementara Aris masih di dalam rumah untuk mencuri barang berharga korban. Satu pelaku Bawor keluar dengan mengambil ponsel milik korban.
  1. Diduga untuk menghilangkan jejak, Aris nekat menyiramkan bensin ke tubuh dan ranjang korban lalu membakarnya.
  1. Aris keluar dengan membawa satu tabung gas, sejumlah uang dan perhiasan milik korban.
  1. Di luar rumah, keempatnya berpisah. Pelaku Aris sempat menjanjikan sejumlah uang kepada para pelaku lain.
  1. Keesokan harinya, setelah melakukan olah TKP dan pemeriksaan saksi, ketiga pelaku berhasil ditangkap di rumahnya, sementara Aris ditangkap di tempat persembunyiannya di Boja Kendal.
Petugas terpaksa menembak mati Aris karena berusaha melawan dan membahayakan petuga

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Wisata di Semarang yang Paling Terkenal

Semarang adalah ibukota dari Provinsi Jawa Tengah dan juga merupakan kota terbesar ke 5 di Indonesia. Walaupun tidak seterkenal kota wisata lain, Semarang juga memiliki banyak tempat wisata menarik. Apa saja tempat wisata di Semarang yang paling terkenal?

1. Pantai Maron

Pantai Maron
Pantai Maron
Berlokasi hanya beberapa ratus meter di utara Bandara Ahmad Yani Semarang, Pantai Maron adalah salah satu tempat wisata di Semarang yang ada di sebelah barat. Pantai Maron menawarkan keindahan pantai yang eksotis sehingga ramai dikunjungi wisatawan sekitar Semarang pada akhir pekan. Apabila anda ingin berkunjung ke Pantai Maron, perlu di ingat bahwa jalan menuju tempat ini masih terbuat dari tanah yang dipadatkan, sehingga apabila hujan jalanan tersebut akan menjadi licin. Harga tiket masuk Pantai Maron adalah 3,000 Rupiah.

2. Lawang Sewu

Lawang Sewu
Lawang Sewu
Lawang Sewu adalah nama sebuah gedung kuno di kota Semarang. Dibangun pada tahun 1904 oleh Belanda, Lawang Sewu dulunya berfungsi sebagai kantor perusahaan kereta api Belanda. Nama Lawang Sewu yang berarti seribu pintu berasal dari bentuk bangunannya yang mempunyai banyak pintu dan jendela. Yang menarik dari Lawang Sewu adalah suasana mistisnya yang dilengkapi dengan arsitektur megah khas jaman dahulu. Gedung Lawang Sewu juga mempunyai lantai bawah tanah yang dulunya difungsikan sebagai penjara. Harga tiket masuk Lawang Sewu adalah 10,000 Rupiah.

3. Kampoeng Wisata Taman Lele

Kampoeng Wisata Taman Lele
Kampoeng Wisata Taman Lele
Kampoeng Wisata Taman Lele adalah salah satu tempat wisata di Semarang yang cocok untuk mengisi waktu liburan keluarga. Dengan luas lebih dari 2 hektar, Kampoeng Wisata Taman Lele mempunyai berbagai macam fasilitas penunjang rekreasi keluarga. Fasiltias yang dimiliki Kampoeng Wisata Taman Lele yaitu kolam renang, danau buatan, kebun binatang kecil, taman bermain anak, gazebo, penginapan, dan tempat pertunjukan. Jalan Walisongo, harga tiket masuk Kampoeng Wisata Taman Lele adalah 2,000 Rupiah pada hari Senin sampai dengan Sabtu, dan 3,500 Rupiah pada hari minggu.

4. Pantai Marina

Pantai Marina
Pantai Marina
Pantai Marina merupakan sebuah pantai kecil di sebelah utara kota Semarang. Berlokasi di Jalan Yos Sudarso, Pantai Marina adalah tempat wisata di Semarang yang paling disukai untuk kegiatan lari pagi atau jogging. Pantai yang terletak di sebuah perumahan ini mempunyai fasilitas kolam renang, speed boat, ski air, dan taman bermain anak-anak. Bersepeda di sekitar Pantai Marina juga sangat menyenangkan karena suasananya yang sepi dan sejuk dengan pepohonan.

5. Pantai Tirang

Pantai Tirang
Pantai Tirang
Pantai Tirang adalah sebuah pantai biru dan bersih yang berlokasi dekat dengan bandara Ahmad Yani Semarang. Berjarak sekitar 5 KM dari Pantai Marina, Pantai Tirang  merupakan pantai favorit para pemancing ikan kakap putih dan ikan kerapu. Selain itu, di Pantai Tirang juga terdapat hutan bakau yang menarik untuk dilihat. Pantai Tirang cocok untuk anda yang lebih menyukai suasana pantai yang sepi. 

6. Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah

Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah
Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah
Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah yang berlokasi di kota Semarang, tepatnya di Jalan Gajah Raya. Gajah Raya adalah salah satu masjid termegah di Indonesia yang banyak dikunjungi bukan hanya untuk beribadah saja, melainkan untuk kegiatan wisata juga. Diresmikan pada tahun 2006, Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah yang memiliki luas lebih dari 7,500 meter persegi ini mampu menampung sekitar 16,000 jamaah. Selain bangunan utama masjid, di Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah juga terdapat berbagai fasilitas lain seperti ruang akad nikah, auditorium, perpustakaan, penginapan, museum budaya Islam, kafe, toko cenderamata, kereta kelinci, tempat bermain anak-anak, dan lain-lain.

7. Air Terjun Kali Pancur

Air Terjun Kali Pancur
Air Terjun Kali Pancur
Air Terjun Kali Pancur adalah salah satu tempat wisata di Semarang yang paling terkenal untuk kategori tempat wisata alam. Air Terjun Kali Pancur yang berlokasi di Desa Nogosaren, Semarang, ini mempunyai ketinggian air terjun sekitar 150 meter , dihiasi bebatuan alam yang ditumbuhi pepohonan hijau, dan memiliki beberapa goa walet . Sebelum anda datang berkunjung ke tempat wisata Air Terjun Kali Pancur, saya sarankan siapkan terlebih dahulu badan anda dan istirahatlah yang cukup karena anda kan melewati sekitar 900 anak tangga yang cukup melelahkan untuk dapat menikmati keindahan Air Terjun Kali Pancur.

8. Pagoda Buddhagaya Watugong

Pagoda Buddhagaya Watugong
Pagoda Buddhagaya Watugong
Pagoda Buddhagaya Watugong adalah pagoda dengan ketinggian lebih dari 45 meter dan merupakan pagoda tertinggi di Indonesia. Pagoda Buddhagaya Watugong yang berlokasi di Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan merupakan tempat ibadah pemeluk agama Budha sekaligus tempat wisata di Semarang yang menarik untuk dikunjungi karena keunikan dan keindahan bentuk bangunannya.

9. Taman Rekreasi Wonderia

Taman Rekreasi Wonderia
Taman Rekreasi Wonderia
Taman Rekreasi Wonderia yang berlokasi di Jalan Sriwijaya adalah sebuah tempat wisata di Semarang yang buka sejak tahun 2007. Taman Rekreasi Wonderia mempunyai banyak permainan menarik dan menyenangkan seperti Boom Boom Car, Kiddy Boat, Super Rally, Ghost House, Space Gyro, Merry Go Round, dan Typhoon Coaster sehingga sangat cocok untuk anda yang mempunyai anak kecil. Harga tiket masuk Taman Rekreasi Wonderia adalah 5,000 Rupiah.

10. Curug Benowo

Curug Benowo
Curug Benowo
Curug Benowo adalah sebuah air terjun yang berlokasi di Gunung Ungaran, Semarang dan merupakan air terjun favorit di sekitar Semarang bagi para pecinta alam. Namun, tempat wisata Curug Benowo ini kurang cocok untuk wisata keluarga kalau menurut saya, karena perjalanan ke air terjun Curug Benowo cukup sulit dan melelahkan, kira-kira sekitar 2 jam berjalan kaki di medan yang sempit dan berbatu namun mempunyai pemandangan yang sangat indah dan alami.

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Old City area of ​​Semarang

Old City area of ​​ Historically, the city of Semarang has an area that existed at around the 18 th century as a trade center. The area is at present called the Old Town area. At that time, to secure the citizens and its territory, the area was built fortress, which is named after the fortress VIJHOEK.Untuk expedite communications path between the third gate dibenteng that then made the streets of transportation, with its main street is named: Heeren Straat. Currently named Jl. Let Jen Soeprapto. One of the existing location of the door of the fort to date is Berok Bridge, called DE ZUIDER POR.Kawasan Kota Lama Semarang (1)
Transport pathway through the water is very important it is evidenced by the rivers that surround this area are navigable from the sea up to the Sebandaran, area of ​​Chinatown. That time the Dutch East Indies once ranked second as a producer of sugar around the world. At the time it was happening cultivation (Cultur stelsel) throughout the Netherlands East Indies.
Old Town area of ​​Semarang is also called OUTSTADT. Broad region around 31 hectares. Judging from the condition of geography, it seems that the area is separated from the surrounding area, so it looks like its own city, earning it the nickname "Little Netherland".
Old Town area is a silent witness Semarang Indonesia during the Dutch colonial history of more than two centuries, and its location adjacent to the area economy. In this place there are about 50 ancient buildings that still stand with sturdy and has a history of Colonialism in Semarang.
Semarang Old City is a historic area with many ancient buildings considered to be very potential to be developed in the field of economic and cultural conservation areas.

Built in 1884. Construction of the lighthouse is related to urban development as urban Semarang Semarang as a colonial port city by the Government for the transport of sugar exports to the world.
During the nineteenth century Indonesia at that time named Hidia Netherlands once ranked second as world sugar producer. The building of this lighthouse is the only one in Central Java. Kawasan Kota Lama Semarang (1) 
Kawasan Kota Lama Semarang (1)

Embankment Station Road Pengapon Sari, built by (Nederlandsche Indische SPOORWEGMAATSCHARIJ), AUTHENTICATED BY MR Governor-General. BARON VAN DE Sloet BEELE. This station replaces the previous station was built on June 16, 1864 until February 10, 1870 serving routes Semarang - Jogja - Solo.
Since the station was no longer eligible, because of the increased volume of freight, he built a Tawang Station. The architect of this building is JP DE landing. The building was completed in May 1914.
This building has an architectural style that suits Indische tropical conditions. This building has a visual axis with the Church Blenduk thereby increasing the value of the region. These buildings include "tetenger" city of Semarang.
Kawasan Kota Lama Semarang (1) PT. MASSCOM GRAPHY
Located on Jl. Peacock 11-15. This building was originally owned by the HET NOORDEN the Dutch-language newspapers.This building has a high value is the forerunner of the press in Hyderabad.
After independence, this building in nationalized by Indonesia and used by the Daily Sound FREE, for more than 30 years.
Currently the building is converted to use for PT. MASSCOM GRAPHY which is a printing company in the newspaper Suara Merdeka Group.
Kawasan Kota Lama Semarang (1) Polder Tawang
According to its function Polder Tawang is a system to protect the overflow of water from outside the area of ​​the dam to control water levels in the Old City. Polder system components consist of: dykes, sluice gates, channels, collector, pump water and retention ponds.
With a land area of ​​± 1 ha. Polder is located in front of Tawang Station which has a catchment area of ​​± 70 ha. The northern part of the railway is limited, restricted roads Ronggowarsito east, south and west by road Petudungan by Kali Semarang.

Beyond the technical issues, the management of this polder system is handling a difficult, particularly in maintaining the cleanliness and the use of retention ponds as well as possible, so the pool can be used as an addition to the Old Town attraction.
Therefore we need to look at three things positively associated with the construction of polders are:Provide open space for the surrounding community. Environment which was originally impressed "black" seedy and sinister become more organized so that it can revive the image of the Old Town.Outdoor recreation can serve as an object of family and place of social interaction, at least as an alternative place of entertainment after Simpanglima.Provision of water for watering plants mananggulangi fire and the city.

Kawasan Kota Lama Semarang (1) Blenduk Church
Aged over 200 years and used as "tetenger" (Landmark) city of Semarang. Located at Jalan Lt. Gen.. Suprapto no.32. Named after the church Blenduk because the top two towers and a large dome. Dome in Javanese means Blenduk. The building was started up in 1753, was used for church Nederlandsche Indische Kerk.
This building was repaired again in 1756, 1787, and 1794. In 1894 this building was overhauled as the present circumstances.
The architect of this building is the HPA de Wilde and WWESTMAS. The existence of this church contributes greatly to the development of Christianity in Semarang.
Kawasan Kota Lama Semarang (1) Sisters of the Franciscan Order
Located on Jl. Ronggowarsito no. It is owned by Catholic 8.Yayasan. Initially in 1808 initiated the establishment of Pastor LAMBERTS Prinsen Catholic orphanage for boys was named WEESHUIS.
In 1870 came a group of nuns from the Franciscan Order to Semarang. Then a Dutch architect M. NIESTMAN Designing buildings on the site for the Sisters.
The building was commenced on 16 February 1906.On June 15, 1915 Boarding for children son moved to a new location which is on Jl. Dr.Wahidin current, while the location is used specifically for the Sisters. The use of this land for Sisters Chapel, Kindergarten, Elementary School and Treatment Center.
The complex extends from Jl. R. Broken up Jl. STATION Tawang.Before independence the building was once used for Gurkha army base

Puri Maerokoco

Salah satu anjungan di Taman Maerokoco
Sebuah Objek wisata yang berada di Jalan Yos Sudarso kurang lebih 5 Km dari tugumuda, satu komplek dengan PRPP. Sebagai taman mini Jawa Tengah yang merangkum semua rumah adat yantg disebut dengan anjungan dari 35 kabupaten dan kota yang ada di Jawa Tengah. Di dalam rumah-rumah tersebut digelar hasil – hasil industri dan kerajinan yang diproduksi oleh masing – masing daerah. Selain menampilkan rumah – rumah adat, objek wisata ini dilengkapi dengan fasilitas rekreasi air seperti, sepeda air, perahu, juga kereta bagi pengunjung. Dibuka untuk umum dari jam 08.00 sampai 18.00. Dapat dijangkau dengan kendaraan umum maupun kendaraan pribadi.
Salah satu anjungan di Taman Maerokoco


Lawang Sewu merupakan sebuah Gedung di Semarang, Jawa Tengah yang merupakan kantor dari Nederlandsch Indishe Spoorweg Maatschappij atau NIS. Dibangun pada tahun 1903 dan selesai pada tahun 1907. Terletak di bundaran Tugu Muda Semarang yang dahulu disebut Wilhelmina Plein.

Masyarakat setempat menyebutnya Lawang Sewu (Seribu Pintu). Ini dikarenakan bangunan tersebut memiliki pintu yang banyak sekali (dalam kenyataannya pintu yang ada tidak sampai seribu, mungkin juga karena jendela bangunan ini tinggi dan lebar, masyarakat juga menganggapnya sebagai pintu).

Bangunan kuno dan megah berlantai dua ini setelah kemerdekaan dipakai sebagai kantor Jawatan Kereta Api Indonesia (DKARI) atau sekarang PT Kereta Api Indonesia. Selain itu pernah dipakai sebagai Kantor Badan Prasarana Komando Daerah Militer (Kodam IV/Diponegoro) dan Kantor Wilayah (Kanwil) Departemen Perhubungan Jawa Tengah. Pada masa perjuangan gedung ini memiliki catatan sejarah tersendiri yaitu ketika berlangsung peristiwa Pertempuran lima hari di Semarang (14 Oktober - 19 Oktober 1945) di gedung tua ini menjadi lokasi pertempuran yang hebat antara pemuda AMKA atau Angkatan Muda Kereta Api melawan Kempetai dan Kidobutai, Jepang. Maka dari itu Pemerintah Kota Semarang dengan SK Wali Kota 650/50/1992, memasukan Lawang Sewu sebagai salah satu dari 102 bangunan kuno atau bersejarah di Kota Semarang yang patut dilindungi.

Saat ini bangunan yang berusia 100 tahun tersebut kosong dan bereputasi buruk sebagai bangunan angker dan seram. Sesekali digunakan sebagai tempat pameran, diantaranya Semarang Expo dan Tourism Expo.Pernah ada juga wacana yang ingin mengubahnya menjadi hotel.Pada tahun 2007, bangunan ini juga dipakai untuk film dengan judul yang sama dengan bangunannya.