Old City area of SemarangIndotoplist.com: Historically, the city of Semarang has an area that existed at around the 18 th century as a trade center. The area is at present called the Old Town area. At that time, to secure the citizens and its territory, the area was built fortress, which is named after the fortress VIJHOEK.Untuk expedite communications path between the third gate dibenteng that then made the streets of transportation, with its main street is named: Heeren Straat. Currently named Jl. Let Jen Soeprapto. One of the existing location of the door of the fort to date is Berok Bridge, called DE ZUIDER POR.
Transport pathway through the water is very important it is evidenced by the rivers that surround this area are navigable from the sea up to the Sebandaran, area of Chinatown. That time the Dutch East Indies once ranked second as a producer of sugar around the world. At the time it was happening cultivation (Cultur stelsel) throughout the Netherlands East Indies.
Old Town area of Semarang is also called OUTSTADT. Broad region around 31 hectares. Judging from the condition of geography, it seems that the area is separated from the surrounding area, so it looks like its own city, earning it the nickname "Little Netherland".
Old Town area is a silent witness Semarang Indonesia during the Dutch colonial history of more than two centuries, and its location adjacent to the area economy. In this place there are about 50 ancient buildings that still stand with sturdy and has a history of Colonialism in Semarang.
Semarang Old City is a historic area with many ancient buildings considered to be very potential to be developed in the field of economic and cultural conservation areas.
Built in 1884. Construction of the lighthouse is related to urban development as urban Semarang Semarang as a colonial port city by the Government for the transport of sugar exports to the world.
During the nineteenth century Indonesia at that time named Hidia Netherlands once ranked second as world sugar producer. The building of this lighthouse is the only one in Central Java.
Embankment Station Road Pengapon Sari, built by (Nederlandsche Indische SPOORWEGMAATSCHARIJ), AUTHENTICATED BY MR Governor-General. BARON VAN DE Sloet BEELE. This station replaces the previous station was built on June 16, 1864 until February 10, 1870 serving routes Semarang - Jogja - Solo.
Since the station was no longer eligible, because of the increased volume of freight, he built a Tawang Station. The architect of this building is JP DE landing. The building was completed in May 1914.
This building has an architectural style that suits Indische tropical conditions. This building has a visual axis with the Church Blenduk thereby increasing the value of the region. These buildings include "tetenger" city of Semarang.
Located on Jl. Peacock 11-15. This building was originally owned by the HET NOORDEN the Dutch-language newspapers.This building has a high value is the forerunner of the press in Hyderabad.
After independence, this building in nationalized by Indonesia and used by the Daily Sound FREE, for more than 30 years.
Currently the building is converted to use for PT. MASSCOM GRAPHY which is a printing company in the newspaper Suara Merdeka Group.
Polder Tawang
According to its function Polder Tawang is a system to protect the overflow of water from outside the area of the dam to control water levels in the Old City. Polder system components consist of: dykes, sluice gates, channels, collector, pump water and retention ponds.
With a land area of ± 1 ha. Polder is located in front of Tawang Station which has a catchment area of ± 70 ha. The northern part of the railway is limited, restricted roads Ronggowarsito east, south and west by road Petudungan by Kali Semarang.
Beyond the technical issues, the management of this polder system is handling a difficult, particularly in maintaining the cleanliness and the use of retention ponds as well as possible, so the pool can be used as an addition to the Old Town attraction.
Therefore we need to look at three things positively associated with the construction of polders are:Provide open space for the surrounding community. Environment which was originally impressed "black" seedy and sinister become more organized so that it can revive the image of the Old Town.Outdoor recreation can serve as an object of family and place of social interaction, at least as an alternative place of entertainment after Simpanglima.Provision of water for watering plants mananggulangi fire and the city.
Blenduk Church
Aged over 200 years and used as "tetenger" (Landmark) city of Semarang. Located at Jalan Lt. Gen.. Suprapto no.32. Named after the church Blenduk because the top two towers and a large dome. Dome in Javanese means Blenduk. The building was started up in 1753, was used for church Nederlandsche Indische Kerk.
This building was repaired again in 1756, 1787, and 1794. In 1894 this building was overhauled as the present circumstances.
The architect of this building is the HPA de Wilde and WWESTMAS. The existence of this church contributes greatly to the development of Christianity in Semarang.
Sisters of the Franciscan Order
Located on Jl. Ronggowarsito no. It is owned by Catholic 8.Yayasan. Initially in 1808 initiated the establishment of Pastor LAMBERTS Prinsen Catholic orphanage for boys was named WEESHUIS.
In 1870 came a group of nuns from the Franciscan Order to Semarang. Then a Dutch architect M. NIESTMAN Designing buildings on the site for the Sisters.
The building was commenced on 16 February 1906.On June 15, 1915 Boarding for children son moved to a new location which is on Jl. Dr.Wahidin current, while the location is used specifically for the Sisters. The use of this land for Sisters Chapel, Kindergarten, Elementary School and Treatment Center.
The complex extends from Jl. R. Broken up Jl. STATION Tawang.Before independence the building was once used for Gurkha army base
Transport pathway through the water is very important it is evidenced by the rivers that surround this area are navigable from the sea up to the Sebandaran, area of Chinatown. That time the Dutch East Indies once ranked second as a producer of sugar around the world. At the time it was happening cultivation (Cultur stelsel) throughout the Netherlands East Indies.
Old Town area of Semarang is also called OUTSTADT. Broad region around 31 hectares. Judging from the condition of geography, it seems that the area is separated from the surrounding area, so it looks like its own city, earning it the nickname "Little Netherland".
Old Town area is a silent witness Semarang Indonesia during the Dutch colonial history of more than two centuries, and its location adjacent to the area economy. In this place there are about 50 ancient buildings that still stand with sturdy and has a history of Colonialism in Semarang.
Semarang Old City is a historic area with many ancient buildings considered to be very potential to be developed in the field of economic and cultural conservation areas.
Built in 1884. Construction of the lighthouse is related to urban development as urban Semarang Semarang as a colonial port city by the Government for the transport of sugar exports to the world.
During the nineteenth century Indonesia at that time named Hidia Netherlands once ranked second as world sugar producer. The building of this lighthouse is the only one in Central Java.
Embankment Station Road Pengapon Sari, built by (Nederlandsche Indische SPOORWEGMAATSCHARIJ), AUTHENTICATED BY MR Governor-General. BARON VAN DE Sloet BEELE. This station replaces the previous station was built on June 16, 1864 until February 10, 1870 serving routes Semarang - Jogja - Solo.
Since the station was no longer eligible, because of the increased volume of freight, he built a Tawang Station. The architect of this building is JP DE landing. The building was completed in May 1914.
This building has an architectural style that suits Indische tropical conditions. This building has a visual axis with the Church Blenduk thereby increasing the value of the region. These buildings include "tetenger" city of Semarang.
Located on Jl. Peacock 11-15. This building was originally owned by the HET NOORDEN the Dutch-language newspapers.This building has a high value is the forerunner of the press in Hyderabad.
After independence, this building in nationalized by Indonesia and used by the Daily Sound FREE, for more than 30 years.
Currently the building is converted to use for PT. MASSCOM GRAPHY which is a printing company in the newspaper Suara Merdeka Group.
Polder Tawang
According to its function Polder Tawang is a system to protect the overflow of water from outside the area of the dam to control water levels in the Old City. Polder system components consist of: dykes, sluice gates, channels, collector, pump water and retention ponds.
With a land area of ± 1 ha. Polder is located in front of Tawang Station which has a catchment area of ± 70 ha. The northern part of the railway is limited, restricted roads Ronggowarsito east, south and west by road Petudungan by Kali Semarang.
Beyond the technical issues, the management of this polder system is handling a difficult, particularly in maintaining the cleanliness and the use of retention ponds as well as possible, so the pool can be used as an addition to the Old Town attraction.
Therefore we need to look at three things positively associated with the construction of polders are:Provide open space for the surrounding community. Environment which was originally impressed "black" seedy and sinister become more organized so that it can revive the image of the Old Town.Outdoor recreation can serve as an object of family and place of social interaction, at least as an alternative place of entertainment after Simpanglima.Provision of water for watering plants mananggulangi fire and the city.
Blenduk Church
Aged over 200 years and used as "tetenger" (Landmark) city of Semarang. Located at Jalan Lt. Gen.. Suprapto no.32. Named after the church Blenduk because the top two towers and a large dome. Dome in Javanese means Blenduk. The building was started up in 1753, was used for church Nederlandsche Indische Kerk.
This building was repaired again in 1756, 1787, and 1794. In 1894 this building was overhauled as the present circumstances.
The architect of this building is the HPA de Wilde and WWESTMAS. The existence of this church contributes greatly to the development of Christianity in Semarang.
Sisters of the Franciscan Order
Located on Jl. Ronggowarsito no. It is owned by Catholic 8.Yayasan. Initially in 1808 initiated the establishment of Pastor LAMBERTS Prinsen Catholic orphanage for boys was named WEESHUIS.
In 1870 came a group of nuns from the Franciscan Order to Semarang. Then a Dutch architect M. NIESTMAN Designing buildings on the site for the Sisters.
The building was commenced on 16 February 1906.On June 15, 1915 Boarding for children son moved to a new location which is on Jl. Dr.Wahidin current, while the location is used specifically for the Sisters. The use of this land for Sisters Chapel, Kindergarten, Elementary School and Treatment Center.
The complex extends from Jl. R. Broken up Jl. STATION Tawang.Before independence the building was once used for Gurkha army base